New York, 1933: Ann Darrow, an unemployed actor,
meets movie director, Carl Denham. He asks Ann to sail
with him and star in his new movie. Jack Driscoll, the
screenwriter, is unhappy about using Ann because she is
an unknown. But when they start making the movie, Jack
begins to find her very attractive.
They sail to Skull Island, where savage islanders kill the
sound technician and one of the sailors, and knock Jack
down. The crew want to leave, but Carl is determined to
make his movie. The sailors turn the ship around, but an
islander kidnaps Ann and takes her back to the island.
They give her to Kong, a giant gorilla. Dinosaurs try to
kill Ann, but Kong fights them off and kills them. The
ship returns to the island to rescue Ann.
Eventually, Carl and his assistants put Kong to sleep and
take him back to New York. They put him on show in
a theater, but Kong runs away and kills or injures many
people. He finds Ann and climbs with her to the top of
the Empire State Building. Ann tries to save him, but
police and airplanes shoot him, and he falls down to the
street below. Jack declares his love for Ann.
Chapter 1: Unemployed actor Ann Darrow meets Carl
Denham, a movie director. He asks her to sail with him
on a ship and to star in his new movie with Bruce Baxter,
a famous movie actor. Carl tells Jack Driscoll, the writer
of the movie, that they are going to Skull Island, but
he doesn’t tell the rest of the film crew. Preston, Carl’s
assistant, finds the map of Skull Island. Hayes, one of the
sailors, tells a story about a giant gorilla that lives on Skull
Chapter 2: When they arrive at Skull Island, the front
of the ship hits a huge wall. The sailors want to get away
from the island as soon as they can, but Carl takes the
actors and his assistants to look around. On the island
they hear the roar of a strange animal. Savage warriors
attack them and kill Mike, the sound technician, and one
of the sailors. Englehorn, the captain of the ship, fires a
gun and scares off the islanders.
Chapter 3: Englehorn orders his men to throw things
off the ship to help them get off the rocks and away
from the island. One of the islanders jumps onto the
ship, seizes Ann and takes her back to the island. Jack
persuades Englehorn to turn back so they can look for
Ann. Meanwhile, the islanders take Ann to the top of the
wall, where she sees Kong, the giant gorilla. Kong carries
her off into the jungle. Carl, Jack and the others come to
the wall. Carl sees Kong and just wants to film him. When
they go through a door in the wall, they see two dinosaurs
and manage to kill them. Later, they are attacked by
about a hundred dinosaurs, one of which eats Herb, the
Chapter 4: Carl and the others have to get across some
marshy ground. They use ropes and wood from the trees
to build boats. Suddenly a giant fish rises up out of the
water and kills two of the sailors. Ann runs away from
Kong and tries to make her way back to the ship. She is
attacked by two dinosaurs, but Kong kills them. When he
hears the sound of guns, Kong picks Ann up and puts her
on the top of a very high rock.
Chapter 5: The only bridge across a giant ravine is very
long dead tree. At the other end of the bridge Kong jumps
out. Hayes shoots him in the face, but Kong picks up
Hayes and throws him across the ravine. Then Kong picks
up the tree and all the men fall into the ravine. Three
sailors are killed, but Jack, Carl and two others fall into the
water at the bottom. A hundred repulsive animals come
up out of the ground. They kill Lumpy, the ship’s cook,
but then Baxter and Preston shoot a lot of the creatures.
Jack finds Ann in the jungle, and together they run away
from Kong, but he follows them back to the wall. Carl and
Englehorn use chloroform to put Kong to sleep.
Chapter 6: Back in New York, Carl has a money-making
plan to show Kong in a theater and tell the story of Ann
and the gorilla. Kong is in chains, but Ann is dancing in
a different theater, and another actor is playing the part
of Ann. Kong breaks free from his chains and runs out of
the theater. He tramples a lot of people to death. He finds
Ann and climbs with her to the top of the Empire State Building. Four airplanes shoot at Kong, and he falls down
to the street. Finally, Jack tells Ann that he loves her.
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